Our famous Giant Snails!

The silly story about how our snails ended up on Radio 1!

On Thursday the 20th of April at about 11.15am our trio of Giant African Land Snails were featured on BBC Radio 1!

The silliness of this story started with presenters Ricky, Melvin and Charlie getting upset after finding out that some of their fellow presenters actually had pets named after them. They were disappointed that no one had ever named a trio of animals Ricky, Melvin and Charlie, and so put out the call to their listeners!

In the Critter HQ we are quite partial to listening to BBC Radio 1, and so staff heard their plea, and realised that it was just perfect for our otherwise unnamed triplets! A text and a photo (of course!) was sent into Radio 1. Not long after, Company of Critters got a phone call, declaring that the Radio 1 office was in hysterics at the idea of Giant Snails being named after the three presenters, and could we record a message for them!

To say our snails were the most bizarre of the animals featured is an understatement! And, so there we have it! Our famous snails are now forever called: Ricky, Melvin, and Charlie!

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The resemblance is uncanny!