As written for us, by Gorgeous George himself:
*Yawns* Morning, thought I’d share my impressive displayfrom yesterday *shuffles in cat bed*. So, ever since my Mum rescued me, I’ve been fed lots of yummy things: liver, heart, eggs and lots of yummy fresh fruit and veg. I’ve been feeling a lot better since putting some weight on however, what goes in must come out. *stifles a smirk*
I tried to be tidy and went into the corner, but it was abit ummmmm whats the word?? .......explosive, yea we will go with that word. When I turned round I realised it had gone all up the walls and a bit on the ceiling. I was impressed and felt much better so I went back to my nap, but when Mum came in I heard a loud gasp that woke me out of my 5th nap of the day. She went and put a mask on, which I thought was strange because there was no one else in here with her. She opened up my door so I could have wander and a sniff about but I noticed she was trying not to breathe. I didn’t see the problem and had a good stomp about.
I did have a bit of a giggle when I turned around and noticed she was in my home with a bag and a small shovel. She tried to say she was proud of me when she was opening all the windows but I didn’t believe her, I’ve heard her use that tone of voice with her Husband.
I’m getting snoozy again so that’s my tale from yesterday, I’m off for well deserved nap.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz