A Little Trade!

Our new stick insects traded for snails with a young animal lover

Most people who keep and care for small collections tend to end up with a larger number of one particular animal than expected! For us here at Company of Critters, it was our lovely Giant African Land snails! We are the proud owners of an escargatoire of baby snails now! A few have already found new homes, however, five were part of an exciting trade today!

Valentino, aged 5, has been keeping and successfully breeding Sungaya Stick Insects, and asked during his visit at one of the Summer Open Days if we would like to trade stick insects for baby snails! Valentino has a wonderful collection of animals and is incredibly knowledgable and definately well on his way to becoming the next David Attenborough!

Today we met to exchange animals and Valentino had taken the time to create an Information Sheet for us to display on the stick insects new home!

Katy Baily (Company of Critters owner) with our new Sungaya Stick Insects from Valentino (aged 5).

As you can tell, both Katy and Valentino were very excited about this trade!

Thank you so much to Valentino and his family for our wonderful new additions to Critter HQ! We hope you enjoy your new baby snails and we look forward to working together again in the future!

Valentino rehousing our new Sungaya Stick Insects after inspecting the new enclosure!

The Sungaya Stick Insect was discovered in the Sungaya region of India in 1996, no wild males were discovered until 2007. The Latin name is “Sungaya inexpectata” and is made up of the region it was found and the latin for “unexpected”. The females are pathogenic, therefore, all eggs are fertile.