A Big Collection

A big emergency rehoming mission

On the 20th of January we set off to collect new Critters that needed new homes quickly. We were up super early to make sure we were prepared for whatever the day might bring!

We had a list of the potential animals that needed to go but as this was a tenancy issue we wanted to be ready for any number of different animals. A team of three of us went as we have found that it works best to have two to move items and animals, whilst one can spend time with the owner. Giving up your animal is a heartbreaking process, especially when it is out of your control, and multiple in a short amount of time. We always do our best to offer support and encouragement at these times, offering pictures of our current animals and set ups, as well as updates on the animals taken.

All the animals collected were given brief health checks, and placed into quarantine. Their quarantine tanks look simple and bare, but this is to help us keep them disinfected and check for mites etc. As a precaution we always treat lizards and snakes with Taurrus mites in the quarantine period.

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A total of 15 animals were collected. This includes frogs, toads, lizards, crabs and mudskippers! All were health checked and their enclosures disinfected and refilled.

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Since the collection the newcomers have settled in well, gained a little weight and started the slow process of handling. If these animals are not suited for the Critter lifestyle and are not so keen on people or attention then we will consider rehoming them to a more quite forever home. We always want what is best for the animal and their little personalities!

We will keep you updated on how well they are getting on soon!


Check out of YouTube channel!

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